45 research outputs found

    A Fast and Compact RISC-V Accelerator for Ascon and Friends

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    Ascon-p is the core building block of Ascon, the winner in the lightweight category of the CAESAR competition. With ISAP, another Ascon-p-based AEAD scheme is currently competing in the 2nd round of the NIST lightweight cryptography standardization project. In contrast to Ascon, ISAP focuses on providing hardening/protection against a large class of implementation attacks, such as DPA, DFA, SFA, and SIFA, entirely on mode-level. Consequently, Ascon-p can be used to realize a wide range of cryptographic computations such as authenticated encryption, hashing, pseudorandom number generation, with or without the need for implementation security, which makes it the perfect choice for lightweight cryptography on embedded devices. In this paper, we implement Ascon-p as an instruction extension for RISC-V that is tightly coupled to the processors register file and thus does not require any dedicated registers. This single instruction allows us to realize all cryptographic computations that typically occur on embedded devices with high performance. More concretely, with ISAP and Ascon\u27s family of modes for AEAD and hashing, we can perform cryptographic computations with a performance of about 2 cycles/byte, or about 4 cycles/byte if protection against fault attacks and power analysis is desired. As we show, our instruction extension requires only 4.7 kGE, or about half the area of dedicated Ascon co-processor designs, and is easy to integrate into low-end embedded devices like 32-bit ARM Cortex-M or RISC-V microprocessors. Finally, we analyze the provided implementation security of ISAP, when implemented using our instruction extension

    Statistical Ineffective Fault Attacks on Masked AES with Fault Countermeasures

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    Implementation attacks like side-channel and fault attacks are a threat to deployed devices especially if an attacker has physical access. As a consequence, devices like smart cards and IoT devices usually provide countermeasures against implementation attacks, such as masking against side-channel attacks and detection-based countermeasures like temporal or spacial redundancy against fault attacks. In this paper, we show how to attack implementations protected with both masking and detection-based fault countermeasures by using statistical ineffective fault attacks using a single fault induction per execution. Our attacks are largely unaffected by the deployed protection order of masking and the level of redundancy of the detection-based countermeasure. These observations show that the combination of masking plus error detection alone may not provide sufficient protection against implementation attacks

    One trace is all it takes: Machine Learning-based Side-channel Attack on EdDSA

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    Profiling attacks, especially those based on machine learning proved as very successful techniques in recent years when considering side-channel analysis of block ciphers implementations. At the same time, the results for implementations public-key cryptosystems are very sparse. In this paper, we consider several machine learning techniques in order to mount a power analysis attack on EdDSA using the curve Curve25519 as implemented in WolfSSL. The results show all considered techniques to be viable and powerful options. The results with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are especially impressive as we are able to break the implementation with only a single measurement in the attack phase while requiring less than 500 measurements in the training phase. Interestingly, that same convolutional neural network was recently shown to perform extremely well for attacking the AES cipher. Our results show that some common grounds can be established when using deep learning for profiling attacks on distinct cryptographic algorithms and their corresponding implementations

    Making Masking Security Proofs Concrete - Or How to Evaluate the Security of any Leaking Device

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    We investigate the relationships between theoretical studies of leaking cryptographic devices and concrete security evaluations with standard side-channel attacks. Our contributions are in four parts. First, we connect the formal analysis of the masking countermeasure proposed by Duc et al. (Eurocrypt 2014) with the Eurocrypt 2009 evaluation framework for side-channel key recovery attacks. In particular, we re-state their main proof for the masking countermeasure based on a mutual information metric, which is frequently used in concrete physical security evaluations. Second, we discuss the tightness of the Eurocrypt 2014 bounds based on experimental case studies. This allows us to conjecture a simplified link between the mutual information metric and the success rate of a side-channel adversary, ignoring technical parameters and proof artifacts. Third, we introduce heuristic (yet well-motivated) tools for the evaluation of the masking countermeasure when its independent leakage assumption is not perfectly fulfilled, as it is frequently encountered in practice. Thanks to these tools, we argue that masking with non-independent leakages may provide improved security levels in certain scenarios. Eventually, we consider the tradeoff between measurement complexity and key enumeration in divide-and-conquer side-channel attacks, and show that it can be predicted based on the mutual information metric, by solving a non-linear integer programming problem for which efficient solutions exist. The combination of these observations enables significant reductions of the evaluation costs for certification bodies

    Fresh Re-keying II: Securing Multiple Parties against Side-Channel and Fault Attacks

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    Part 3: New Algorithms and ProtocolsInternational audienceSecurity-aware embedded systems are widespread nowadays and many applications, such as payment, pay-TV and automotive applications rely on them. These devices are usually very resource constrained but at the same time likely to operate in a hostile environment. Thus, the implementation of low-cost protection mechanisms against physical attacks is vital for their market relevance. An appealing choice, to counteract a large family of physical attacks with one mechanism, seem to be protocol-level countermeasures. At last year’s Africacrypt, a fresh re-keying scheme has been presented which combines the advantages of re-keying with those of classical countermeasures such as masking and hiding. The contribution of this paper is threefold: most importantly, the original fresh re-keying scheme was limited to one low-cost party (e.g. an RFID tag) in a two party communication scenario. In this paper we extend the scheme to n low-cost parties and show that the scheme is still secure. Second, one unanswered question in the original paper was the susceptibility of the scheme to algebraic SPA attacks. Therefore, we analyze this property of the scheme. Finally, we implemented the scheme on a common 8-bit microcontroller to show its efficiency in software

    Placement of Runtime Checks to Counteract Fault Injections

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    Practical Leakage-Resilient Pseudorandom Objects with Minimum Public Randomness

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    One of the main challenges in leakage-resilient cryptography is to obtain proofs of security against side-channel attacks, under realistic assumptions and for efficient constructions. In a recent work from CHES 2012, Faust et al. proposed new designs of stream ciphers and pseudorandom functions for this purpose. Yet, a remaining limitation of these constructions is that they require large amounts of public randomness to be proven leakage-resilient. In this paper, we show that tweaked designs with minimum randomness requirements can be proven leakage-resilient in minicrypt. That is, either these constructions are secure, or we are able to construct public-key cryptographic primitives from symmetric-key building blocks and their leakage functions (which is very unlikely). Hence, our results improve the practical relevance of two important leakage-resilient pseudorandom objects

    From New Technologies to New SolutionsExploiting FRAM Memories to Enhance Physical Security

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    Ferroelectric RAM (FRAM) is a promising non-volatile memory technology that is now available in low-end microcontrollers. Its main advantages over Flash memories are faster write performances and much larger tolerated number of write/erase cycles. These properties are profitable for the efficient implementation of side-channel countermeasures exploiting pre-computations. In this paper, we illustrate the interest of FRAM-based microcontrollers for physically secure cryptographic hardware with two case studies. First we consider a recent shuffling scheme for the AES algorithm, exploiting randomized program memories. We exhibit significant performance gains over previous results in an Atmel microcontroller, thanks to the fine-grained programmability of FRAM. Next and most importantly, we propose the first working implementation of the masking with randomized look-up table" countermeasure, applied to reduced versions of the block cipher LED. This implementation provides unconditional security against side-channel attacks (of all orders! ) under the assumption that pre-computations can be performed without leakage. It also provides high security levels in cases where this assumption is relaxed (e.g. for context or performance reasons)